Landstede Groep
Migration from CardsOnline 6 to CardsOnline 7
Landstede Groep
Our story
Landstede Group is a regional education center in the region of Harderwijk, Raalte, Kampen and Zwolle that provides secondary education, secondary vocational education and adult education for approximately 24,500 students. In 2016, ScreenCheck was able to implement CardsOnline 6.0 at the Landstede Group as a card management system connecting to multiple facility systems.
CardsOnline is always in development and ScreenCheck is proud to announce a new generation of our card management system in 2019: CardsOnline 7. For our CardsOnline 6 customers, such as Landstede Group, 2020 was the time to migrate to CardsOnline 7. With the arrival of Covid-19 and a number of lockdowns, planning and executing the migrations was a challenge. Thanks to a good collaboration with LandStede Group, the migration was successful and a new installation of CardsOnline 7 was delivered.
ScreenCheck is happy with Landstede as a satisfied, loyal customer and was happy to carry out this migration together with Landstede.
The Migration
Great cooperation with Landstede
In collaboration with the assigned project manager and functional manager of Landstede and our ScreenCheck project manager and CardsOnline specialist, the migration from CardsOnline 6 to 7 went very well and we were able to successfully complete the project this year. The servers have been prepared on site by Landstede and a new separate server has been added for the CardsOnline Service Portal. After getting the servers ready, the migration and installation of CardsOnline 7 and the service portal was done by our CardsOnline specialist. A new installation also includes training on the new card management system and the completely renewed Card Designer. The training was provided by ScreenCheck, after which the Landstede Group was ready to go into production with the new system.
Import data from source systems for card data and photo
CardsOnline card management system for card design and production is a central system and provides secure online access to authorized users at the various locations of the Landstede Group. To import and manage card data of employees and students, there is a link with Landstede’s Servicebus source system. This is done by means of a data agent, an active link between Servicebus and CardsOnline. ScreenCheck has also created two data agents for the secure export of card data and photos from CardsOnline to Landstede.
Connect with facility systems
During production, the Landstede employee and student card is made suitable for the payment system Netpay of XAFAX and the access control system of Salto. After receiving the card, the cardholder can immediately use it with the two facility systems.
CardsOnline Service Portal
With a CardsOnline Service Portal account, cardholders can manage their own card details, photo and, for example, block a lost card. Landstede’s employees and students can log in quickly and securly to the Service Portal via their own SSO (Single Sign On) data. The SSO for the CardsOnline Service Portal is realized via ADFS. Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS) is a software component developed by Microsoft that can be installed on Windows Server operating systems to provide users with single sign-on access to systems and applications that are located across organizational boundaries.
CardsOnline your complete card production and management system.
Project details
Software: CardsOnline 7.2.1
- CardsOnline PRO card management system
- CardsOnline Service Portal PRO
- Card Print Manager 3x
Data Agents:
- Data agent Source systeem: Servicebus of Landstede (MSSQL Staging database)
- Data agent Xafax Netpay (SOAP interface)
- Data agent Salto (MSSQL Staging database)
- Data agent Export card data to SQL table (of Landstede) (MSSQL Staging database)
- Data agent Export photos to SQL table (of Landstede) (MSSQL Staging database)
SSO (Single Sign On) via AD:
- CardsOnline Service Portal
Server: MS Windows, on-premise
Card type: Mifare DESFire EV1 4K
Card printers: 3x ScreenCheck SC7000 for 3 locations