We like to inform you about a new update for the Active ID app, with new improvements, and bug fixes to enhance your user experience.
The CardsOnline Active ID App, allows employees , students, visitors, members, or volunteers to receive, keep and manage their Active ID to use for mobile identification, access, or a Data Check. Active IDs are designed with the CardsOnline Card Designer and issued using the Data Manager similar to a Digital ID PDF format.
For your first Active ID app login, after registration, enjoy the added layer of security and user convenience with our biometrics activation. The Active ID app is equipped to seamlessly integrate biometric authentication methods, ensuring a swift and secure login process.
To activate the biometrics option first enter your email address and password and then click on the TouchID or face ID icon. You can now login fast and secure with Touch ID or Face ID.
Read more about the Active ID app version 1.5.4 release notes below.

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