Sep 06

CardsOnline Active ID App Update: Version 1.6.5

We’re pleased to roll out version 1.6.5 of the CardsOnline Active ID app. This update developed by ScreenCheck includes a couple of improvements and fixes to make your experience better and the app more efficient. Take a look at the key updates:

Key Changes and Improvements:

  1. Remember Selected Card in Carousel:
    The app now remembers the card you selected in the carousel, so it will be reselected upon returning.
  2. Android Hardware Back Button:
    The hardware back button is now implemented for Android, allowing smoother navigation between pages.
  3. Pop-down Message System:
    Android now uses this new message system to display an exit notification when closing the app.
  4. Android Support for Older Devices:
    The app now supports older Android devices from 2022, with a minimum SDK of 31.

We encourage you to update to the latest version as soon as possible to take advantage of these improvements.

Active ID App Release Notes
CardsOnline Active ID App Update: Versie 1.6.5