To give a clear overview of the functionalities CardsOnline offers a selection of introduction videos. Learn more about easy online enrollment with the CardsOnline Service Portal. Invite new cardholders, let cardholders receive & send requests, adjust their own data and add their photo using their own CardsOnline Service Portal account.
Invite new Cardholders to the CardsOnline Service Portal
This video demonstrates how to invite new cardholders to the CardsOnline Service Portal. The first step is to select the records of the new card holders in need of a Service Portal account in the Data Manager. Filter the card holders’ records without a Service Portal account using the advanced filter option and select them. To send all the selected records an email, go to the menu icon, click on “send e-mail”, select the “Login detail CardsOnline Service Portal” email template and click the “send email” button. The selected cardholders now receive an email with a link to the CardsOnline Service Portal and their account credentials to login. For easy online enrollment, request these cardholders to add data or a photo to their account, so their record is completed quickly and their card can be printed.
Send and approve service requests
Learn how to send and approve service requests. Cardholders with a CardsOnline Service Portal account can receive a request to add a photo and specific details to their account. To send this request as a Unit Administrator, go to Data Manager in CardsOnline and make a selection through the advanced filter function of all cardholders with a service account but without a photo. Check the top box to select this group of records, click on the send email link in the menu, select the “Personal data required” template and send the email. All cardholders without a photo will now receive an email, asking them to add a photo and data to their Service Portal account before a specific date.
To manage the CardsOnline Service Portal requests in CardsOnline navigate to “Service requests”. The photos and data added to the Service Portal accounts are send back to CardsOnline as Service requests for you as Unit Administrator to approve. If an added photo looks correct, approve it, the photo is now linked to the cardholder record. If an added photo looks incorrect, reject it, the cardholder will receive an email with the message that his or her photo has been rejected and is requested to try again. Send a reminder to the card holders that are late with adding their data. Select their request and click the “send reminder” icon or select multiple requests and use the “send reminder” link in the menu.
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