ROC ter AA
Bulk production of employee and student card for ROC Ter AA
ROC ter AA
ROC ter AA focuses all its attention on a successful study and career of its students, based on craftsmanship and personal growth. They distinguish themselves through a personal approach and focus on quality.
They make three promises:
1. We know each other.
2. You come further with us.
3. You know where you stand with us.
ROC Ter AA in Helmond has more than 3000 students and 400 employees, spread over nine lectures and four support services. ROC Ter AA realizes secondary vocational education in well-organized vocational colleges. They offer their students and employees a recognizable, well-organized and safe environment in which they can perform optimally.
CardsOnline is rolled out as the card management system for all ROC Ter AA locations in Helmond. ScreenCheck takes care of the bulk production of the employee and student card for ROC Ter AA. Next to the bulk production delivered, ROC Ter AA also prints and codes Desfire cards with their own ScreenCheck SC4500 Kaartprinters. These Desfire cards are preprinted and are personalized with cardholder data and a photo.
The Solution
Student card connects to multiple systems using CardsOnline
For the production and management of the cards, ROC Ter AA uses CardsOnline as a SaaS solution (Software as a Service). EduArte, the source system of ROC Ter AA, provides CardsOnline with the necessary information through a data agent connection. The facility systems Uniflow (multifunctional) and Nokilock for the lockers are also linked to CardsOnline. In the context of security, there is also a scanner, which together with the search function of CardsOnline finds a student or employee quickly in the system.
CardsOnline Service Portal
CardsOnline also offers the CardsOnline Service Portal as an option. This is used to improve communication with cardholders by offering an extra service. Cardholders can add their own card data, take photos via their smartphone, activate their card and block a lost card.
Currently the photos of the ROC Ter AA students are still being recorded on location, but in a second phase of the project the CardsOnline Service Portal will also be used.
CardsOnline makes it possible for organizations to design, produce and manage online cards from multiple locations by authorized users.
Project details
Software: CardsOnline 6.3
Server: CentOS Linux distribution, PHP/MYSQL/APACHE
Card Printer: ScreenCheck SC4500 card printers, batch printing & fullfillment by ScreenCheck
Card Type: Preprinted MIFARE DESfire
Card Amount: Approximately 4000 Cards issued